Reversie Internet Server and Client
This an internet server where people can meet and play reversie.
Using this page you can both
reversie at our server and
also download the full source
code for the client and server
programs. The client is implemented as an applet.
Currently the applet works only with Netscape browser
with the latest patch for JDK1.1.
Playing Reversie
In order to be able to play reversie you need either Netscape
Navigator 4.06 (or bigger), or Internet Explorer 4.x (or bigger). In
case you are using Internet Explorer you need to give special
permissions to java applets. Here are
instructions on how to do it.
If you think you have one of these browsers then you can
go to the reversie server
Downloading Reversie
In order to have it running
you have to do the following:
- Unzip and untar the file you download. You will get a directory
named 'reversie'. All the directories I refer to from now on start
in this directory.
- Edit the file 'classes/Reversie.html' and change the IP
address to the address where you intend to run the server.
Make sure you modify it in *both* places. Also change the
link to the file Reversie.html if it is not going to stay the same
in your web page.
- Make sure that your PATH and CLASSPATH shell variables
point to the java directories such that you are able to run
java programs
- cd to 'bin' directory
- Launch the name server by typing './ns &'. Wait until you
get a long sequence of digits of the form 'IOR:000004...'
- Launch the reversie server by typing './rs &'. Wait until you
get a long sequence of digits of the form 'IOR:000004...'
- The server is now up and running. All you have to do now is
make a link in your public html directory towards the 'classes'
directory and name it 'Reversie'. For example, if your html
dir is '~/public_html' and you installed the reversie server
in '~/reversie' you can type in
% ln -s ~/reversie/classes ~/public_html/Reversie
- Due to the applets security mechanisms the Reversie server
has to run on the same host where the http daemon is running.
This means you have to find out exactly what machine is the one
managing http connections and then run the server on that machine.
- Last thing, make sure you have a link somewhere in your
homepage to the file 'classes/Reversie.html' (the one you
edited). Good luck
These being said you can now
download Reversie Internet Server and Client
source code and enjoy.
Please report bugs and problems at
Last update: April 2, 1998
Feel free to bother me at